The Singing Band was inaugurated in the year of March 2013. On our inauguration, the National President Paul Gyamera and some executives of “The Union of Ghanaian Presbyterian Singing Bands North America” were there to officiate the event. This was a day to remember as we saw the beauty of the Singing Band.

In the month of April 2013, our second National Annual Conference was held in Columbus Ohio which we attended in style. Ever since, we have been playing major parts in the union. As a result, we have been on the national executives board up till now.

On the local level, we sing every Sunday at church to praise our God. And with the applauds and joy of the congregation, we know God is doing something great and new each day with His children to sing and honor Him. Our future plans are to encourage our brothers and sisters to come and sing in joy like David did, to praise and glorify the Alpha and Omega with us.

So be attentive, be calm and listen, if that joyful songs and clapping are coming from the house of God, know this that Bethel Presbyterian Reformed Church Singing Band is there.