The Women’s Fellowship Group of this Church was formed in 1992. The Fellowship was inaugurated into the North American Ghanaian Presbyterian Women’s Fellowship in 1998. This Fellowship is proud to be one of the founding members of the NAGPWF. Our current membership is about 22 with 18 active members. One of our biggest challenges has been the growing of our group. It has been almost impossible registering new members especially the younger women who tell us that they are not ‘old enough yet’ to join the Women’s Fellowship.
Over the years we have tried to educate them but we have not been successful. For some of them the biggest turn off is the Women’s Fellowship attire and headgear.
For 2014 we only enrolled one new member. This year we have enrolled one more but their work schedules make it difficult for them to be active members. We meet bi-weekly on Saturdays at the church premises. In inclement weather we conduct our meeting by teleconference. Our activities include organizing fund raisers by selling cooked food items and pastries.
We also attend the Spring and Winter conferences of the Reformed Church and PCUSA. We visit the bereaved and the sick. On a happier note we attend weddings, outdoorings and engagements of members and their families. We are also very involved in the activities of the Youth, the Young Adult, Sunday School children and the other ministries in our church.
We were part of the first Asempatrew organized by the Conference of Ghanaian Presbyterian Churches, North America, which took place in Ohio, in June 2014. Last year we successfully hosted the 14th annual conference of the North American Ghanaian Presbyterian Women’s Fellowship from August 7 – 9th 2015. That was not our first time serving as hosts for this conference. We want to take this opportunity once again to thank all the groups who attended the conference and helped make it successful.
Thank you and may the good Lord bless you all